Make Your Business a Social Business for 2013

If you have not yet socialized your companies website then you could be falling behind the curve. The new buzzword for 2013 will be social business and it is worth paying attention to. Your customer is more interested in purchasing from a company they can interact with rather than one that has no social presence.

If you are a SME, we are not suggesting you change your business but simply integrate with an online strategy. Over 90% of people are more inclined to purchase from companies that are using a social media channel. For 67% of people, Facebook is their preferred social media channel. This from Accenture Interactive (@AccentureSocial) in a study released Nov 2012. Doesn't it just make sense to be active on a social site?

Kevin Casey notes in Facebook facts for SMBs that fans beget more fans. 56% are more likely to recommend a business of which they are a Facebook fan. Also, popularity produces sales-a whopping 51% are more likely to buy after becoming a fan. So, doesn't it make sense to know who your customer is, understand their social platform and publish authentic content they can like and become fans of? This is like word of mouth on steroids that produces sales.

Scott Stratten, President of UnMarketing reminds us that people are passive in person, yet aggressive online. They are not going to answer your survey online, they are not going to tell your employees anything they are going to vent online. This is the most viable type of feed back you can hope for. It is realtime, honest and raw. You are no longer B2B but P2P - Person to Person.

You have to stop running your business with ostrich marketing tactics. You need to get your head out of the sand and realize what is happening right now. Business communications is changing right before our eyes and we need to be able to change with it. Your customers want to hear from you. Trust me.

2013 is the year that your media and marketing changes forever. You need to get social. You need to create awesome experiences and creative things that get people finding, visiting, clicking, liking, following, sharing, tweeting and most importantly... talking. Because once people get talking to you and about you, that's when good things begin to happen.

You don't have to start big, but you do have to start.

Disabled Work at Home Employment - Does Your Disability Equate Inability

Since the Internet is already a dynamic platform for being gainfully employed, many home-based opportunities can be found today. Are you a disabled person? What would you do if you were told that you could turn your disability into a special ability to earn a living from the net? Here, you would discover that you can get a disabled work-at-home employment that will give you happiness in life.
It is quite interesting today that many physically challenged people can enjoy the right to employment opportunities. If you are a handicapped person and your disability won't allow you to go from place to place, you should not be dismayed. A typical disabled work at home employment is what you should look for. Although you can be employed in a company that provides a good working environment for disabled staff, you can save yourself from stress by choosing a home-based job. Working at home will enable you to arrange your room in a way that suits your disability so that you can comfortably concentrate on your job without distractions.
Generally, employers are prohibited by law that they should not deny disabled people of employment opportunities. Therefore, there is no room for any form of discrimination against such people. Who are the disabled that the Disabilities Act covers? It protects the interest of someone who has a physical impairment or a history of a form of impairment. So, your physical disability will never be taken as an employment criterion.
Why should you even opt for an online job? As far as online jobs are concerned, the Internet actually levels the playing ground. For instance, clients or customers of the firm where you work as a customer service officer wouldn't know that you have a physical challenge. In fact, nobody wants to know about your appearance, people are only interested in the product or service you are hired for.
Furthermore, a disabled work-at-home employment is a sort of gateway to achieve financial independence. There is no point for you to live as a dependent for the rest of your life. You shouldn't assume that your disability is a limitation or a stigma. Many individuals who have certain disabilities often think that they are not needed in companies. The fact that you may not be able to work outside of your home does not mean that you can't find a job. There are available jobs you can do online, many work at home opportunities are specifically suitable to the lifestyle of disabled people. If you can find any of them, you will be able to contribute to the overall income of your family, most especially if you're still a dependent in the family.
What would you need to take an advantage of a disabled work-at-home employment? You must have skills and expertise in a certain field. With a PC, a phone set, and high-speed Internet connectivity, you are already set for work at home jobs. Here are some of the jobs you can find online:

  • Freelance writing jobs
  • Virtual assistance jobs
  • Outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services
  • Web technology
  • Editorial services
  • Transcription jobs
  • Translation services
  • Data entry jobs

The foregoing jobs are some of the best home-based employments that you can opt for. If you want to narrow down your option to a specific skill, just use a search engine and send a query for the key term work-at-home jobs for the disabled. It is worth stating that you have to be very careful when searching for such online jobs since there are scams everywhere today. Once you find an option, try to find out what other people are saying about the site/company you discover. So, try to visit some work at home forums. Unless you are sure of the credibility of a company, don't pay anyone for an online opportunity.
Nonetheless, in order to gain quick access to some offers, you may have to spend a couple of dollars to subscribe to a trusted membership site that has a database of various legitimate sites or companies where you can be hired as a home-based worker. By so doing, you will save time and keep yourself free from the risk of scams because membership sites or companies that can provide you with such services usually give a guarantee on customers' satisfaction.
Without any doubt, there is a ray of hope for the disabled through the power of the Internet. If you want to increase your financial worth, find a disabled work-at-home employment that suits your needs. There is no limit to what you can do with your skills so disabled work at home employment is available for you Today!