The Way To Determine What Marketing Mix Strategies To Implement To Your Business

By A'ric Jackson

On the list of 1st mistakes made when thinking about Marketing Mix Strategies, is the person that is coming up with the plan neglects to ask some very pertinent questions. I have witnessed the whole thing all too often, individuals will say, "oh this is what I'm planning to implement in my marketing mix strategies." I love the enthusiasm. However, what is going to quickly douse the passion, especially if you are a young or new Entrepreneur who's taking massive action on strategies that could very well not even reach your market.

Another trap in relation to determining marketing mix strategies is often chasing after the thing that we're most comfortable with and uncomplicated versus doing what is truly effective. An example could simply be that you can easily create flyers and brochures. You go full throttle making use of this method to only discover $1,000 bucks and 5,000 flyers later that your particular target niche responds more to value driven content blogs online.

Believe me, been there done that and realized that I was wasting a good deal of cash and time doing the thing that I was most comfortable with versus what was effective.

So how do you determine what marketing mix strategies to implement for your business?

I have come up with three simple questions that you can ask that will have your efforts be more effective and eventually increase your exposure, leads, and of course your bottom line. Here you go.

Question #1 How did you acquire your current and previous clients?

Take a look at where all of your current and even past clients have come from. When you are clear about this you are instantly getting a heads up on how to focus your marketing strategy.

A few years ago, I was at a loss for how to attract new clients. I then began to look at my journey, I noticed that whenever I spoke at State & Regional conferences for students, I would see an instant increase in new contracts within the following 60 days.

This became a glaring Red Flag. Here is what I was able to determine. It was time to increase my focus on working to get hired at these State & Regional Conferences more often. Next, I realized, that I could offer promotions at these events which would give me an opportunity to collect additional information from the attending people AND I could get a gauge on how many people would be interested in me coming to their next school or event.

Since I have implemented Promotions & direct contact with State & Regional conferences, the # of speeches I was being booked for literally doubled in 1 year!

Question #2 What are the marketing vehicles that the top person in your field is using?

They say success leaves clues. There is a reason why the number one person IS the number one person in your field. Sure they may have a great product or in my case they could be amazingly awesome on the stage. But guess what. I don't care how great someone is or how great their product is they have their hands on a structure for effective marketing mix strategies.

So what do you do? COPY THEM OF COURSE!!! Ok, let me be politically correct, model them. Grant it you may not have the resources or budget to do everything that they do, but you want to do whatever it takes to work to get to that place.

Question #3 Are you marketing mix strategies scalable?

When you come up with some great ideas and an effective strategy, you want to ask yourself if it is scalable. For example, let's say that you are blogging once a week on a content driven piece on your product or service. You begin to see that you are getting a favorable response from your audience. At this point you want to look to see how you can scale it up! Can you do 2 or maybe even 3 content driven pieces a week to increase the interest level and leads? You see doing that is easily scalable.

It's the same when it comes to the budget you have allotted to your marketing. You want to make sure you stay within your budget because when it comes to marketing, the race is not always given to the swift of the strong, but to the one who markets to the end!

Well my friends, there you have it. These are three questions that can literally help you in the decision to get more bang for your buck (or time) when it comes to your marketing. So if you are looking to create effective marketing mix strategies that will increase your audience, leads and eventually sales in your business, ask these three questions and you will be well on your way to SUCCESS!!!!

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