Finding The Right Business Mentor For Your MLM Business

By Heather L. Hensley

Have you been struggling in your network marketing business and feeling all alone?That initial business meeting, you remember, the one where all the big shots from the company came and did a big presentation, all dressed in flashy Armani suits. They made it sound so easy and appealing you thought, wow, these guys really have their act together. How can I fail with a business mentor like this?

Help set up a plan and work that plan with you. Encourage you to set up a daily routine. Big one, very important, that they kick your, but maybe not always, there should be helpful criticism and encouragement.Help you to become your own worst and best boss. Keep to your plan, and daily schedule.Most important - As you learn and build, and earn some income, start out sourcing the tedious things that rob your time.I lied - Most important is, Your Mind Set-You Must Do-Not Try. Be before you Do so you can Have. See your success, believe in it.

Then you talk to your up-line sponsor Billy, who really has no more of a clue than you do about approaching your warm market. He gives you some advice from a few notes he took the day he met the big wigs, and from his up-line leader.The problem is, Billy is no more plugged into the system and trainings than you are.Let's say that Billy does go to his sponsor for advice, (Shelly) who is also somewhat new. Shelly has gotten advice from her sponsor (Kevin) who has only been in the business for 6 months, (and Shelly is the only one Kevin has ever sponsored).

Kevin has gotten his training from a business mentor and leader, but he leaves out several key points when training Shelly, who in turn, leaves out a few points when training Billy. Who in turn, you guessed it, leaves out vital information when training you.Are you starting to see the problem with this scenario? Sound familiar at all?So, it starts out with Kevin who gets 100% of his info from his business mentor, but only passes on 50% to Shelly, who passes on only 25% to Billy, and by the time it gets to you, you've gotten about 10 to 12% of the information needed to correctly run your business. The big wigs that made the initial presentation aren't available to help, their usually too busy out promoting the business.

So how do you prevent this snowball effect of less and less vital information from happening? If you are serious about building a network marketing business then you need to search and seek out a business mentor of your own.Someone with a proven track record, has been in the business for a few years, and one that has sponsored many in his down-line. You need to be learning from a true leader, a 6 or 7 figure earner would be best.

Here are 4 strategies to finding a Business Mentor that are sure to work. Look to the top producers in your own company first.Many MLM companies send out a monthly email praising recent top income earners. Work you way down the list, it's quite possible one of them is already a business mentor and would be happy to help out.know someone they respect who is.There are hundreds if not thousands of online forums that you can hook up with. Do a Google search for MLM Forums and you will be surprised how many are available.A favorite place of mine is the BetterNetworker. Leaders from just about every MLM company belong to BetterNetworker. I am sure you can make a great connection here.Depending upon your circle of friends on FB & Twitter, you should be able to reach out and make a request by posting on your news feed or with a simple tweet. If you're not using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in your marketing strategy, it's a great way to connect with a leader and business mentor.

A business mentor is there to provide guidance, set you up with a duplicatable system and provide useful resources. They are not they there to answer every thought that pops into your head. Be respectful of their time. Asking your business mentor about time zones, (don't laugh, my mentor had that happen once) or some other ridiculous question that can easily be answered by doing a Google search, will only make them think twice about returning your calls or emails.My final thought. A good business mentor can take you and your business to the next level. Be aggressive and take charge with your business. Don't expect others to do the work for you. Guidance is one thing, but you will need to dig in and research for yourself. Follow your business mentor's advice to the T. He or she didn't get to where they are today by not following their own advice.

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