Marketing On Twitter - Is It A Profitable Way To Grow Your List?

By Callan White

A few years ago, it was hard to ignore the buzz online about Twitter marketing tools. Twitter was considered as a terrific new way of getting a list of people whom you could target to promote your products. Still, how much of a bang for your buck do you get from any of these tools that were pushed at us to improve our sales figures? Just how effective is Twitter marketing? This article will examine the case for becoming involved and to determine if it will really repay your time and effort.

Like many of you, when all the tools came out to help online marketers build a big Twitter following that you could promote to, I decided to look into it. I enlisted in programs that promised to get me followers on Twitter and bought software tools to help promote my products. All in all, I ended up buying about eight different programs that would aid me with all of this.

One of these programs was an automatic 'people follower' on Twitter with the aim that some of those people would follow me also. If a person was not following me, I had another program that would automatically take them off my to-follow list. Deleting non-followers meant I could devote my attention on individuals who might be swayed to follow me. Together with some other programs that are not actually worth mentioning, I bought a program that would automatically take my blog posts and automatically Tweet them as soon as they were published on my blog.

I must say that the combined effect of utilizing all these programs together produced great results as each program did as advertised. But as soon as it seemed I wasn't making any money, my initial enthusiasm was soon dampened. My strategy was to post many blog entries daily and each of them was then sent straight to show on Twitter. Hoping to increase the number of daily posts, I discovered a way to automatically post any number of entries to my blog and hopefully gain more followers on Twitter.

Okay, let me share my results: After three years using these tools, I had gained almost 10,000 Twitter followers. You may think this is an awesome number, but I'm not done yet: During those three years I had affiliate links to my products on over fifteen thousand blog posts in my Twitter account.

And that was the only advertising that I did for that blog, I chose not to even ping the posts to see exactly what Twitter could do for me. Well I discovered, in the last 3 years I pulled in 2 affiliate sales for a total of $48, and I pulled in $8.52 with Adsense. And that specific blog only receives about 2 to 4 visitors daily from Twitter.

Despite me utilizing tools to make the job more effortless and achieving approximately 10,000 followers on Twitter, I still could not turn a realistic profit using Twitter marketing for my blog. At the end of the day I'm now out of pocket for the Twitter programs I purchased because my dollar return was so small. There may be other effective methods to market on Twitter, but from my experience, using automatic software tools is not one of them.

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