Online PMP Training A Flexible Option For Aspiring And Existing Professionals

By Katrina Wheeler

Project management evolved in the years immediately following World War II to expedite the efficient completion of complex projects. This relatively new discipline is now a discrete profession within the broader field of business management. It uses dedicated techniques, methodologies and processes to complete projects within budget, schedule and specifications. Online PMP training is designed for persons wanting to formally obtain the technical knowledge needed to attain professional certification. Both degree and certificate courses are offered by a range of accredited institutions.

The training is suitable for existing practitioners and persons new to the industry. Existing practitioners can use the experience to strengthen existing knowledge, learn about new developments and advance to roles with greater responsibility. Participants benefit through interaction with experienced instructors and their peers. The experience also affords an opportunity to forge new contacts and relationships.

Web-delivered PMP courses will also be of benefit to project managers. The manager is responsible for planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling the required work. The role is accountable for completing the assignment on time, on budget and within specifications. Critical to this responsibility is determining the resources required to complete the work and then managing those resources both human and physical. Also vital is the need to identify all stakeholders, understand their requirements and manage their expectations.

Investors and other individuals frequently involved in projects as a stakeholder representative can benefit by gaining insights into the inner workings of project management. This will allow them to better evaluate proposed new projects and pick the likely winners. It will also enable them to contribute more effectively to projects in which they do become involved.

It is critical that the project manager carefully identify and assess all stakeholders to determine their stakes in the project since some are likely to manipulate the direction of a project to serve their own interests. Their actions can powerfully influence the outcome of a project.

The instruction is often structured into discrete modules. The modules cover the five standard project process groups or phases. These are the initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closing process groups. This modularization allows professionals to focus on specific project components of relevance to them.

Professional certification is now set by many organizations as a standard requirement for advancing in the industry. Dedicated individuals can complete the required study in conventional brick and mortar institutions or they can choose the convenience and flexibility of web-based instruction.

Online PMP training is increasingly becoming the preferred option. It is a popular format for busy practicing professionals and other individuals to get the skills and knowledge they needCommunity and technical colleges, universities and various private educational organizations now offer b-based programs. A wide set of alternatives are available. An online search will quickly identify the options.

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