Why Companies Should Consider Having An Arc Flash Analysis

By Sonya Riley

Currents of an electrical nature that move through the air from one point to another are referred to as arc flashes. They explode from a source of high voltage and can cause considerable damage to metals and electronic circuit boards in the nearby vicinity due to their intense heat (5,000 degrees or even hotter). Flashes such as these can even cause bodily harm to humans, because of their brightness, strength and temperature. An arc flash analysis to understand the potential risk of such a disaster happening is therefore important, and is supported by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

These types of electrical flashes can also be described as an explosion of energy, or as an unexpected release of electricity. The reason why they happen can be attributed to the state of the air that surrounds a powerful electronic device. When the air resistance weakens, it can allow electricity to move into and through the air above it, and the electricity then passes from this live conductor to another, or to some other object or ground surface in the nearby vicinity.

Although the flashes occur over a very short period of time, they are very dangerous. A number of people have been seriously injured, and the flashes almost always result in the destruction of the involved electrical equipment. They are so dangerous because of the heat at which they occur.

Large machines such as a phase bus bar that generate power of 600 volts or more may cause an explosion if they are in disrepair. Flashes require a great amount of energy, a fault of one form or another and a second conductor in order to occur. Faults may include poor insulation, corrosion, high quantities of static electricity and other similar things, such as faulty wiring.

The danger imposed to people in the nearby vicinity of the flash includes burns from the flashes themselves, which have sometimes been found to be as hot as 5,000 degrees, and burns and other injuries from flying metal, molten metal pieces and hot gas. A person's eyes are particularly at risk. Flashes are virtually instantaneously hot and powerful, and are therefore very dangerous.

To prevent explosions companies should follow OSHA regulations, and should train their employees accordingly. Industries may also consider providing their employees with protective clothing that is resistant to fire. The proper tools should be used, and high-voltage machinery should be in good operational condition. The wiring of such machinery should especially not be faulty.

Unfortunately, arc flashes are not a rare happening. In fact, there are up to five or more flashes every day in the US. People in ordinary home environments are not at risk, but those working with the wiring or installation of heavy machinery are.

Within the 'flash protection boundary', workers have a fifty percent chance of burns if they are not properly protected with PPE wear. Persons who are involved should be particularly careful when working with high-voltage equipment. The above facts are some of the reasons why companies should consider having an arc flash analysis.

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