The 3 Most Effective Online Business Strategies In 2014

By Isa Musa

Businesses all have to keep up with changes in the modern world if they are going to continue to be successful, and that is especially true of the fast-paced online marketplace. If you want your business to see an increase in sales in 2014, then one of the most effective strategies is to continually monitor the performance of your website.

Technology makes it very easy to analyze your business' performance without having to employee a third party to do it for you. Service providers such as web hosts will be able to provide you with analytics such as number of visitors and how long they stayed on a page for, and there is software available which can track sales conversion rates for click throughs. Here are some of the most important metrics to be looking at.

Although you can buy email lists, it is much better if you can build a list yourself. People who have used your services or are interested in your business, and who chose to opt into your email list themselves, are far more responsive to marketing efforts. There are three great ways to get people to subscribe to an email list.

Whatever the product or service you are offering, there is a very good chance that there are dozens of companies which are providing something that is the same or similar. To keep customers choosing your business over the alternatives, you need to guarantee users a better experience.

3. Social media plugins, images and video marketing: The highest amounts of traffic today resonate from social sites. The only way to attract traffic to your business website today is by implementing social media marketing for your site. The use of visual content to market businesses has taken a new shape in 2014, as more companies use info-graphics and video marketing to advertise their businesses online. Audio visual content marketing is proving to be more effective in this year than ever before.

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