The Most Recommended Decoking Descaling Technology For Cleaning Heater Tubes

By Merv Carlson

Decoking Descaling Technology Inc (DDT) has head office in Lacombe, Canada. The company provides high quality decoking and descaling services for industrial fired heaters all around the world. The president of DDT, Orlande Sivacoe, invented off-line bi-directional hydraulic pigging of fired heaters for delayed cokers in oil refineries and bitumen upgraders. With the advanced decoking technology, DDT guarantees to remove all cokes and deposits from any fire heaters and pipelines.

With the invention of off-line bi-directional hydraulic pigging of fired heaters for delayed cokers in oil refineries and bitumen upgraders, DDT has hundreds of customers around the world. Their service customer satisfaction is one hundred percent. Owning the best technology and equipment in the world, DDT guarantees the complete removal of coke and deposits for all clients. By choosing DDT to perform the decoking descaling job, your business gets various benefits. With the clean pipes, your systems operate more smoothly, enhancing the overall work productivity. What's more, the DDT process is eco-friendly. Unlike other decoking methods, the DDT process does not utilize any chemicals to harm the environment. Besides, DDT makes use of separate collection tank for residual deposits.

DDT professionals monitor the whole decoking process to make sure there are no risks. For most of industrial systems, coke continuously builds up on the inner walls of the fired heaters, pipelines. The unwanted coke and deposits lead to reduced energy, less efficiency and even periodic shutdowns of the affected process unit. It is a vital task to remove coke and deposits from your systems on a regular basis. By measuring the piggs resistance while travelling in the pipes, DDT operators can determine the places in the pipes in which the cokes build up.

Ordinary people may find decoking process complicated to understand; but the professionals at DDT Inc. know exactly what they need to do and achieve. The whole process is carefully performed to make sure no unwanted coke or deposits are left in the pipes. The DDT process utilizes a shut circle, independent water driven framework, making it an exceptionally protected and ecologically inviting framework. The piggs used throughout the decoking process are covered with specially designed removable appendages, providing a 360 degree coverage. The piggs will navigate the furnace tubes in both directions. Piggs' directions are controlled by various valves.

The key variables that might be controlled throughout a cleaning run are as takes after: pigg breadth; number of extremities; and, member metallurgy, surface composition, and tallness. Case in point, changing the member stature will influence the rate at which coke stores are uprooted and will likewise focus the measure of water that streams around the pigg body. Thus, the water stream speed around the pigg body controls the evacuation of simply broken-coke in a way that dodges the likelihood of pigg blockage.

The decoking process can be summarized in a few steps. The operators consider which piggs size and appendages to use based on the pipe and the coke amount. Next, they will increase the pigg size as the decoking process advances. While the pigg is doing its work, DDT operators make sure it is well controlled.

To enhance the productivity of your business, decoking descaling performed by DDT Inc is highly recommended. With their advanced equipment and technology, you can rest assured no coke deposits can be left in the fire heaters or the pipes of your business industrial systems.

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